The players need to collect 46 Trophies in total for 100% Completion which includes 28 Bronze, 15 Silver, 2 Gold, and 1 Platinum Trophy. The players will also understand which aspects of the game hold what types of trophies for them with the help of this guide. Just this week, Sony added Days Gone to its list of Platinum Trophy reward games, alongside exclusives like The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, and Marvel’s Spider-Man.

For trophies you only need 75 of the collectibles plus all the Questline Items, this means you don’t have to find everything and can skip a bunch. This collectibles guide shows all their locations. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite or check out our wiki guide. Days Gone contains 252 Collectible Locations and 104 Questline Items. The Trophy Guide for Days Gone will help the players learn the number of Trophies they need to collect to reach 100% completion and get their hands on the Platinum Trophy. That’s everything you need to know about if there is a difficulty trophy in Days Gone.
Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition PS4 Trophy Guide & Road Map. Days Gone also offers a photo mode that will be available in the game from day one. Days Gone Trophy Guide & Roadmap Fextralife.
Here's how you can get the full trophies and achievements in Days Gone. Numerous players want to check out the Days Gone Trophy Guide. There are many Days Gone trophies to collect once it launches later in April. They should slaughter swarms of zombies, make new assets for themselves and rummage for helpful things for their excursion. The principle focus on the major parts in the game is to improvise, adjust and survive. Players need to make do with this character on the island with a collection of homicidal zombies.

Days Gone is a definitive Survival game, players will play as Deacon, who is a criminal rider and an abundance tracker.